luxury fantastical castles, towers and follies
Curious travellers seeking exotica and escapism need venture no further than these fair green isles, where mysterious dwellings hide down sweeping drives and await your grand arrival.
Time travel back to the era of English Romanticism, when creative spirit soared and formal traditions went by the wayside, and take up residence in a building designed for aesthetic pleasure. In this wonderland of eccentricity, ornamental 'follies' (a word stolen from the French language meaning 'foolishness') manifest as towers within the grounds of stately homes, or crumbling castles in miniature.
For those who seek historical grandeur, Britain's Napoleonic forts have been reimagined, Poldarkian stack houses and glamorous old castles breathed new life into. This may be the ultimate fairytale collection, but Arabian horses and shining knights can steer clear for there'll be no rescuing required here. In fact, you'll want to turn the lock and throw the key in the moat.

The Signal Station
Up on the cliffs of Cornwall’s wild Lizard Peninsula, The Signal Station is a luxury maritime home with a rooftop terrace, built in 1872 as a beacon of safety for passing vessels.
Sleeps: Up to 6 guests
Alternative Group Option: Up to 4 & Up to 2 guests
From: £2,250 per week, £1,695 per short break
Pets: Two small well-behaved dogs are welcome
Features: Rooftop terrace and bar