Haute hibernation
A new season is coming – one made for the homebodies and epicureans. This winter brings a chance to reclaim your time and reconnect with nature. So put a match to the kindling and hunker down in haute hibernation.

For Sanctuary
From the sea, to the shires, to the deer-sipping lakes — these are places for the lovers, the solo travellers and the ´there’s-no-place-like-homes´ of the zodiac. Here´s to revelling in grey-sky days and battening down the hatches in romantic cottages across the UK this winter.
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For Gathering
If, like the Pied Piper of Hamlin, you find yourself frequently trailed by twelve or twenty, only the largest homes will do for family gatherings. Scoop up your little ones and the grandparents too, there’s merrymaking to be had.
View allPictured properties are The Sanctuary, Alba Beach House, and Verte.