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Calstock, Tamar Valley, Cornwall, UK

In a land of tree-smothered hills, and wide, meandering rivers, where the sky skims mist-glazed valleys, and community reigns over titles, lies a luxury retreat far from Cornwall’s well-trodden path. A white farmhouse, surrounded by oxe-eye daisies, where kingfishers flit over wild swimmers, and a natural pool reflects thunderheads in its mirrored waters. Tamar Valley in its roots, Provence in its form; Morwell nourishes minds, and refills hearts.


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Cornwall, UK

Tenderly cosseted by the arms of the Tamar Valley AONB, this stylish luxury self-catering farmhouse with natural outdoor swimming pool enjoys 1.5 miles of private river frontage.

Sleeps: Up to 8 guests
Children: Yes, children are very welcome
Pets: Sorry, no pets
Facilities: Table tennis, natural outdoor swimming pool (1st May to 30th September)

View Property: https://www.uniquehomestays.com/britain-in-wonderland/curious-country-homes/uk/cornwall/calstock/morwell/

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Disclaimer: These particulars, whilst believed to be accurate, are set as a guideline so should not be relied upon as a statement of fact. The photographs show aspects of the property at the time they were taken and it should not be assumed that the property remains precisely as displayed. If there are points of particular importance that need clarifying before you book, please contact us.

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