In a sunlit London studio, Sian Zeng dips a melted plastic straw into a pot of ink. With deft strokes, she creates the illusion of fur on a bear, each mark unique and alive. This unconventional tool is just one example of how Zeng transforms ordinary materials into extraordinary wallpaper designs that captivate the imagination and redefine living spaces.

Zeng's journey as a wallpaper alchemist began in the liminal spaces between cultures. Born in China, she moved to Hungary at age seven, armed only with her sketchbook and a boundless imagination. "When I moved to Hungary, I didn't speak Hungarian, but I found a universal language in drawing," Zeng recalls. This early experience of using art to bridge cultural divides would become the cornerstone of her design philosophy.

In China, Zeng was mesmerised by the art of calligraphy, watching relatives create expressive marks using a brush and ink. "Observing them, I was fascinated by how a single brush with black ink could create such a wide range of expressive marks on paper," she remembers. This fascination later inspired her Hua Trees Mural Wallpaper collection, infusing traditional Chinese techniques into contemporary design.

GP3470 - Create your own mural with the Hua Tress collection

The move to Hungary brought new influences. "My passion for illustration was further fuelled by Hungarian folk tale books introduced to us by my primary school teacher, who even taught us how to draw a princess," Zeng explains. These early experiences laid the foundation for her unique ability to weave narrative elements into her designs, creating wallpapers that tell stories as much as they adorn walls.

Zeng's childhood experiences continue to influence her work in unexpected ways. Her favourite fairy tale, "Fairy Lala" by Szabó Magda, inspired elements in her Mountains wallpaper design. "When I revisited the story years later, I noticed that Fairy Lala was riding on an eagle. I saw a parallel to this in my own work, as the bear in my Mountains wallpaper rides a crane," Zeng reveals, demonstrating how deeply ingrained these early influences remain in her creative process.

A day in Zeng's studio reveals the meticulous process behind her creations. "I usually record my wallpaper ideas in a sketchbook, which I refer to constantly," she explains. From these initial sketches, Zeng creates small-scale versions, carefully considering how the design will repeat and flow across a wall. The final stage involves painting at full scale, a process that can take months of painstaking work.

To the left is a photo of a lounge with Sian Zeng´s wallpaper, to the right are design swatche

Zeng's techniques are as varied as her influences. For her Clematis Mural, she combines Eastern and Western approaches: "I used Japanese watercolour to create a free-flowing style, allowing the paint to spread naturally... At the same time, I incorporated a degree of planning and layering of colours, reminiscent of Western watercolour techniques." This fusion creates designs that feel both familiar and novel, perfect for homes aiming to offer a unique sense of place.

Recent travels continue to inspire Zeng's work. She recently returned from a trip to Japan, which has filled her with fresh ideas for an upcoming Japan-themed collection planned for next year. "I'm particularly excited about a project inspired by the beautifully painted screen doors found in the Nomura Samurai House and Garden in Kanazawa," Zeng shares, her enthusiasm palpable as she describes her ongoing exploration of cultural influences collected on global journeys.

This transformative power of Zeng's wallpapers makes them particularly valuable for unique homes. As she explains, "Since wallpaper covers a significant portion of the room, it plays a crucial role in establishing the room's overall theme." Her designs do more than just decorate; they set the tone and narrative for entire spaces, creating atmospheres that guests remember long after their stay.

Zeng offers creative solutions for different room types and sizes. "Some customers use wainscoting on the lower portion of walls and apply wallpaper only above it, saving on wallpaper and adding elegance," she notes. "Others create arches with wallpaper around bed frames for a fairy tale vibe, particularly effective with the Clematis wallpaper design."

GP3480 - Clematis Mural depicts romantic, hand-painted flowers like a scene from Sleeping Beauty

For those looking to incorporate statement wallpaper into their spaces, Zeng offers practical advice. "I would start by creating a separate mood board for each room on Pinterest, pinning room or hallway ideas that resonate with me," she suggests. She also recommends ordering small samples and taping them to the wall to observe how they interact with the room's natural light. This thoughtful approach ensures that her wallpapers not only look beautiful but also harmonise with their surroundings.

The versatility of Zeng's designs allows for creative applications beyond traditional wall coverings. Some clients have repurposed her wallpapers as oversized "paintings" by framing sections of the design. Others have applied them to room dividers or cabinet fronts, adding unexpected touches of artistry to living spaces. This flexibility makes her work particularly appealing for homestay owners looking to create memorable environments.

Colour plays a pivotal role in Zeng's design process. "I'm generally very inspired by colour, as I believe it's the first thing people notice in a design," she says. Her approach involves experimenting with different combinations and even seeking feedback from her Instagram followers, ensuring her designs resonate with a wide audience. This collaborative aspect of her work demonstrates Zeng's commitment to creating wallpapers that not only express her artistic vision but also connect with those who will live with them.

GP3481 - Sian Zeng´s magnetic wallpapers are ultra-light and customisable

Looking to the future, Zeng continues to innovate through collaborations. She has worked with a British manufacturer to develop a new version of magnetic wallpaper that is ultra-light, can be hung like any other wallpaper, and is magnet receptive. "Our wide range of magnets can be placed on the wallpaper just like on a fridge, allowing you to write on speech bubble magnets and tell your own story on the wall," she reveals. This development opens up exciting possibilities for personalised experiences, allowing people to become active participants in the narrative of their space.

As Zeng continues to push the boundaries of wallpaper design, she reminds us that walls can be more than barriers – they can be canvases for imagination, storytelling, and cultural exploration. With each design, she invites us to step through the looking glass, transforming ordinary walls into gateways for aesthetic adventures.


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