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The Black Cabin

Hay-On-Wye, Wales, UK

In the borderlands where Wales meets England, near the literary town of Hay-on-Wye, The Black Cabin stands as a modernist ode to rural serenity—a considered brushstroke on nature's canvas. This noir-hued luxury cabin, complete with a wood-fired hot tub and infrared sauna, is where the wild beauty of the Black Mountains meets the refinement of a city pied-ŕ-terre.


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The Black Cabin

The Black Cabin
Hay-On-Wye, Wales, UK

Idyllically set near Hay-on-Wye and overlooking the majestic Black Mountains, this noir-hued cabin offers a wood-fired hot tub, infrared sauna and views for miles.

Sleeps: Up to two guests
Children: Babes-in-arms are welcome
Pets: Two well-behaved dogs are welcome
Facilities: Outdoor kitchen, outdoor woodfired hot tub, indoor infrared sauna and cold plunge tub

View Property: https://www.uniquehomestays.com/unique-escapes/fully-catered-accommodation/uk/wales/hay-on-wye/the-black-cabin/

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Disclaimer: These particulars, whilst believed to be accurate, are set as a guideline so should not be relied upon as a statement of fact. The photographs show aspects of the property at the time they were taken and it should not be assumed that the property remains precisely as displayed. If there are points of particular importance that need clarifying before you book, please contact us.

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