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The Brandy Thief

Lee, Ilfracombe, Devon, UK

Settled within a land famed for smugglers and contraband, where Malibu-scented gorse sweeps across the moors before meeting the toiling sea, The Brandy Thief offers sweet relief on the edge of Lee Beach near Ilfracombe. Awash with history and swathed in character, this luxury coastal cottage is a dreamy retreat for explorers looking to hunker down in North Devon.


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The Brandy Thief

The Brandy Thief
Lee, Devon, UK

Awash with history and swathed in character, this luxury coastal cottage is a dreamy retreat for explorers looking to hunker down in North Devon.

Sleeps: Up to 6 guests
Children: Yes, children are very welcome
Pets: One small to medium well-behaved dog is welcome and two on prior request

View Property: https://www.uniquehomestays.com/unique-escapes/late-availability-breaks-uk/uk/devon/ilfracombe/the-brandy-thief/

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Disclaimer: These particulars, whilst believed to be accurate, are set as a guideline so should not be relied upon as a statement of fact. The photographs show aspects of the property at the time they were taken and it should not be assumed that the property remains precisely as displayed. If there are points of particular importance that need clarifying before you book, please contact us.

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