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Freathy, Whitsand Bay, Cornwall, UK

Studded into the cliff face like a hidden gem, unearth Atlanta and you'll discover an unforgettable escape in Cornwall’s forgotten corner. This luxury self-catering cabin flaunts panoramic views of Whitsand Bay's sweeping golden sand, azure waters and rugged coastline, creating an enchanting destination for holidays beside the sea. Complete with four-poster bed and double-ended spa bath, Atlanta is a supremely dreamy couples' retreat.


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Freathy, Cornwall, UK

Studded into a cliff in Freathy, with a hot tub and outdoor shower, Atlanta is a luxury coastal home in Whitsand Bay that promises a unique escape in Cornwall’s forgotten corner.

Sleeps: Up to 2 guests
Children: Babes-in-arms are welcome
Pets: Two small well-behaved dogs are welcome
Facilities: Italian spa bath, heated outdoor shower, hot tub

View Property: https://www.uniquehomestays.com/unique-escapes/valentines-breaks/uk/cornwall/whitsand-bay/atlanta/

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Disclaimer: These particulars, whilst believed to be accurate, are set as a guideline so should not be relied upon as a statement of fact. The photographs show aspects of the property at the time they were taken and it should not be assumed that the property remains precisely as displayed. If there are points of particular importance that need clarifying before you book, please contact us.

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