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Four Hundred Summers

Ablington, Bibury, Gloucestershire, The Cotswolds, UK

With walls of random tumbled limestone and an ashlar chimney that sends hail-fellow smoke signals curling above the gable roof, arriving at Four Hundred Summers has all the feeling of flapjack-scented homecoming. Vegetables turn plump in a Victorian greenhouse, yew hedging makes foliate compartments of the topiaries, and a hot tub brings Nordic clout to what is otherwise an utterly quintessential luxury Cotswolds cottage in Ablington.


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Four Hundred Summers

Four Hundred Summers
Ablington, Gloucestershire, UK

With an ashlar chimney that sends smoke signals curling above the gable roof, Four Hundred Summer is a luxury Cotswolds cottage with a hot tub that brings Nordic clout to Ablington.

Sleeps: Up to 2 guests
Children: Sorry, no children
Facilities: Wood-fired hot tub

View Property: https://www.uniquehomestays.com/unique-escapes/valentines-breaks/uk/gloucestershire/bibury/four-hundred-summers/

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Disclaimer: These particulars, whilst believed to be accurate, are set as a guideline so should not be relied upon as a statement of fact. The photographs show aspects of the property at the time they were taken and it should not be assumed that the property remains precisely as displayed. If there are points of particular importance that need clarifying before you book, please contact us.

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